We truly believe that every creature on this planet deserves to be treated with care and respect. Humans, dogs, cats, sea turtles, coral reefs, fish, sea urchins, we could go on, all deserves a good life on our planet.



We use exclusive ECONYL fabrics, which are fabrics that are created from ocean waste such as fishing nets and other plastic waste. This plastic waste is then recycled into a strong nylon which then becomes the luxurious Italian fabrics we use.

As well as being a solution on waste, ECONYL regenerated nylon is also better when it comes to climate change. It reduces the global warming impact of nylon by up to 80% compared with the material from oil. 

You can read more about ECONYL and its amazing properties here: ECONYL




 Everyday about 8 million pieces of plastic finds their way into our oceans. 

100,000 marine mammals and turtles and 1 million sea birds are killed by marine plastic pollution annually.


 Most of the plastic waste in our seas are discarded fishing nets, also referred to as Ghost Nets, and they are a major contributor to our current ocean plastic crisis.  They make up about 46% of the plastic waste in our oceans. 


"Plastic waste has a devastating effect on wildlife such as fish, turtles, dolphins, seabirds and seals as they can become entangled or mistake it for food".


More and more wildlife turns up dead on beaches with their stomachs full of plastic waste. An autopsy of a whale, washed up on a beach in Norway, showed 30 different plastic bags and other plastic packaging with labels all the way from Denmark and England. 


This is exactly why we have to act on getting rid of plastic in our nature and why we invest in sustainable packaging and use eco friendly swimwear fabrics. 



 Are 100% compostable and biodegradable. Made of cornstarch, it composts in 180 days and is certified for private and commercial composting.



 We are currently transitioning towards 100% biodegradable product bags and hang tags as an effort to strengthen our efforts on cleaner oceans.



 Our eco-friendly cotton bags that your order comes with, can be used for storing your swimwear or you can use it to collect plastic waste on the beach you go to. 


We & our Oceans thank you for supporting this very important cause.